MAY 2017

WOW_3000ZF is an online course run by Prof gamEdze. This free course is intended to challenge its students to consider the tensions between South African art making practices during and post-apartheid, exploring whether the Rainbow Nation project was one that included the de-politicisation of our art practice. Moving between mind control, popular African histories, experimentaleducation practices, and irrationality, gamEdze’s teaching strategy has been said to truly confuse its learners, while inspiring them beyond reason. And yes, you will receive a certificate for involved participation.

Course Outcomes

_what is art?

_who scrambled 4 africa?

_what is education?

_what is a course outcome?

_who am I?

_oh no!


1 x exam


Thuli Gamedze’s residency provided a free online course to the public (within and beyond the Floating Reverie network) with the intention to “challenge its students to consider the tensions between South African art making practices during and post-apartheid, exploring whether the Rainbow Nation project was one that included the de-politicisation of our art practice” (Gamedze). Each day she uploaded course content, a lecture, or video emphasising participation, inclusion and the generation of knowledge, in a way that Gamedze describes as “experimental education practices, and irrationality” (Gamedze). She followed a seemingly expected format of a course outline concluding with an exam and referencing the form of online courses. Yet the content and the manner of uploading subverts our previous understanding of what it means to learn and challenges existing colonial pedagogical structures that seem to be entrenched in our institutions. Whilst participating in Gamedze’s online course it was difficult to position myself as a participant, a learner or student, a user, or a viewer.