WOW_3000ZF : c o n s p i r a c y d e -p o l i t I k – Thuli Gamedze

MAY 2017 WOW_3000ZF is an online course run by Prof gamEdze. This free course is intended to challenge its students to consider the tensions between South African art making practices during and post-apartheid, exploring whether the Rainbow Nation project was one that included the de-politicisation of our art practice. Read more…

[vlog fall] hypersubject recordings – Chris Boyd

APRIL 2017 PLL_5tWJoZb 3daL0SxMccYm3nC7Yi1j2qb An idiosyncratic YouTube Vlog framing reflections on the representation and production of subjectivity, digital shadows, memory, and media. A self-surveillance of daily activities and online presence will weave in edits from recent old media and animation informed by philosopher Gilles Deleuzes’ three levels of time: Read more…