Close Friends Stories – Neil Badenhorst + Tana Pistorius

APRIL 2022 Our project, close friends stories, is concerned with the way people inhabit a digital space such as Instagram and how it can be used as a sort of personal diary. Here, the relationship between the public and the private become interesting. One uploads content onto social media for an audience, but often this content can be quite personal and private. This project is also interested in the notion of cyber pollution; users Read more…

‘The objects that live within’ (2020) – Luke Turk (Nairn)

APRIL 2020 ‘The objects that live within’ is a new series of digital objects that are being produced over the length of the //2Weeks Special Edition residency, the series acts as a counterpart to the artist’s original residency from 2017. These new works will illustrate the world of hyper-networked living, algorithmic predictability and data commodification that is presented in the artists previous series ‘Are they names if they’re randomly generated’. Presented through an eBay Read more…

#14vases : Dialogue in Extension – iSSI ISSa

APRIL 2020 This residency iterates upon the first residency prototype exploring architectural methods of creating form through collaboration and translating this method into a set of dialogic frameworks. By using social media new digital landscapes are generated to stand as a language of form inspired by ongoing conversations with several different artists. Now as we find ourselves in extended times, what does dialogue look like in this 2week mentality and where do we go Read more…

Portalling – Chloë Hugo-Hamman

APRIL 2020 In Arundhati Roy’s article “The Pandemic is a Portal” published on April, 3 2020 she says,  Whatever it is, coronavirus has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”, trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture. But the rupture exists. And in the midst Read more…


//2WEEKS | #OWNOURFORCE ONLINE DIGITAL ART RESIDENCY A COLLABORATION BETWEEN FLOATING REVERIE & FAK’UGESI FESTIVAL 2019 DATES: 26 AUG – 8 SEPT 2019 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 1 JULY 2019 ANNOUNCEMENT: 1 AUG 2019 Who owns our digital value chain? How do we stake our claim and protect our creative equity in the digital world? How do we share our intellectual property and protect it at the same time? How do we value our contribution and Read more…

FELT DELETED, MIGHT CUTE LATER – Neil Badenhorst + Hanroux Nel

JUNE 2019 ‘Felt deleted, might cute later’ is a project by artists, Neil Badenhorst and Hanroux Nel that explores the relationship between one’s thought patterns and emotional experiences and the images we share on social media platforms, specifically Instagram. This sort of becomes the reverse of constructing meaning after looking at art, or watching a film, as we express ‘meaning’ into ‘artworks’ online. Additionally this project is interested in what people choose to post Read more…

Hey MTV, Welcome To My Crib – Natalie Paneng

MAY 2019 @nataliepaneng_ This project aims to interrogate and play with the idea of the online space as well as how we curate and share our world with an online audience.  Through referencing the popular culture show MTV Cribs, this project aims to look at the act of sharing to an audience we can not see. MTV Cribs is a documentary TV program that featured the mansions of celebrities and rich teens giving tours Read more…