MAY 2019 @nataliepaneng_

This project aims to interrogate and play with the idea of the online space as well as how we curate and share our world with an online audience. 

Through referencing the popular culture show MTV Cribs, this project aims to look at the act of sharing to an audience we can not see. MTV Cribs is a documentary TV program that featured the mansions of celebrities and rich teens giving tours of their balling parents homes in the early 2000s. This kind of sharing and ostentatious behaviour is not far off from the kind social media sharing we see on our feeds today. Through this project I will be looking at how the show and the use of social media do the same thing. I aim to do this through:

  • Collages (My Crib): these collages will act as my space. A space in which I curate and share with my unseen audience. 
  • Short tour: stories that explain different elements found in my space and act as the tour/fake humble flex of my crib.

I will present a collage and tour each day, packaged as an episode.