FELT DELETED, MIGHT CUTE LATER – Neil Badenhorst + Hanroux Nel

JUNE 2019 https://www.instagram.com/stronganimals/ ‘Felt deleted, might cute later’ is a project by artists, Neil Badenhorst and Hanroux Nel that explores the relationship between one’s thought patterns and emotional experiences and the images we share on social media platforms, specifically Instagram. This sort of becomes the reverse of constructing meaning after Read more…

Remind Me Tomorrow – Christian van Eeden

AUGUST 2018 https://r3m1ndm3t0m0rr0w.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/r3m1ndm3t0m0rr0w/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKBsZlu5Fzy5FuECKozGSCQ https://r3m1ndm3t0m0rr0w.tumblr.com/ Remind Me Tomorrow is an online POV performance where the protagonist curates and constructs an identity from found, manipulated, and original content. All of this is drawn from environments that they inhabit in real time. The work manifests on three social platforms where different Read more…

These are the memes that will save us – Tiger Maremela

JULY 2018 https://www.instagram.com/m3m3saviour/ Included in Internet artist Tiger Maremela’s debut exhibition and live performance titled ‘Soundscapes of a Warzone’, is a print with the above question beckoning the viewer to consider their consumption of digital media and the effects of said consumption. Accompanied by prints with declarative statements such as Read more…