MARCH 2018

8 humans, 4 sounds & 14 vases

So what does dialogue look like? Who is saying what? What colour are you on about? And also can you hear yourself?

Besides the streams of data flowing rapidly between moving fingertips and screen, there are pulsations of voices known as notes over small speakers. How is these are remembered and recorded feels like a mere notification that memory is running low. So, sometimes a Saturday in a hammock with a joint between two people not remembered besides the notes to self are the extents of dialogue.

Those ancient libraries and now those YouTube channels contain the remnants of narrative as it once did carved into walls of stone and painted preciously onto ceramic.

Dialogue regardless of where or when or how is a space, a place occupied by topics, gestures, emotions, designs and destructions. Dialogue exists as the temporary forever, fading into the immediate past and lingering in the present futures of what to say next and how to say it and not to. Dialogue, that so so every day and simultaneously the remains of so much of the undiscussed and undisclosed. The transparency insisted upon is that the topics be exposed.

This seeks to explore how a digital exhibition is able to extrude the digital nature of the conversation as it exists into form; conversations in the form of dialogues between seven female artists. Talking about colour or the sound it makes me think of, so abstract yet so personal and so honest.

References: 1 The Blue Exhibition [2017] solely discussed through a variety of mediums the colour Blue and produced an emotive set of spatial resonances that allowed for colour to be experience as place. 2 Also an earlier and failed exhibition called ‘This is what dialogue looks like’ aimed to explore the relationship between different artists through only conversation and the production of a single piece that was the epitome of this relationship to other artists. It never occurred yet remained a topic discussed many years after its conception.

8 humans

Humans do so well to define one another by appearance yet we refer to ourselves as genders and pronouns instead of vessels of organs moving around the world consuming energy to remain living in the conventional sense of the word. The language pertaining to gender is blossoming into a new interface for dialogue – debate – yet also as utterings of what doth the sound of the sentence even represent if it doesn’t mean we can be in harmony? We are visual beings but more so, we are hearing beings, the ability to hear and in return speak and thus and this ability to negotiate environments is arguably the first architecture, into and about the partnerships, the exploration of the geographies of understanding.

Alexandra, Annemarie, Dean, Inge, Joy, Keneilwe, Kayla, Nokwanda

4 sounds

A | Pink 3 : three conversations about the colour pink or the sound of A G |Green 3 : three conversations about the colour green or the sound of G [B] | Red 3 : three conversations about the colour red or the sound of B minor [C] Orange 2 : two conversation about the colour orange or the sound of C minor The form of dialogue [artist statement]

This work expresses a curiosity about the functions of digital art in respect to digital architectures and at the same time a continued curiosity about the abstract territories of language.

From the spectrums of dialogues collected through the different and documented mediums, ie; text, voice etc. an extrapolation will occur in the form of 14 vases, sculpted in the virtual space of AutoCAD and digital eye will follow a deciphered path around this form that then experiences these new histories in conjunction with scripts about today.

Experimenting with processes of related to the making in the digital & celebrating the cryptic matrixes of data of this basic.

Virtual Architectures [for digital residence]

1 x Instagram Post – gif 1 x [S]instagram– text & video – dialogue extract 1x Vase–3dmodel 1 x Dialogue – text/vioce 2 x Points of view – recorded Actualtectures [for residence realised] 14 x vases – 3d printed models 4 x performances – music / poetry 7 x humans – speakers