‘The objects that live within’ (2020) – Luke Turk (Nairn)

APRIL 2020 http://ebay.co.uk/str/MarketProLive ‘The objects that live within’ is a new series of digital objects that are being produced over the length of the //2Weeks Special Edition residency, the series acts as a counterpart to the artist’s original residency from 2017. These new works will illustrate the world of hyper-networked Read more…

Occurrences_in_this_domain_are_be- yond_the_reach_of_exact_prediction_ because_of_the_variety_of_factors_in_ operation_not_because_of_any_lack_ of_order_in_nature – Miranda Moss

AUGUST 2017 http://occurrencesinthisdomainarebeyondthereachofexactprediction.xyz/ For Miranda Moss’ Floating Reverie //2weeks residency, a webpage ‘sketch’ will be created each day. Her starting point stems from an interest in the relationships between natural / digital space and physical/ virtual experience, and will explore how these can interact and interfere with each other. She Read more…

[vlog fall] hypersubject recordings – Chris Boyd

APRIL 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PLL_5tWJoZb 3daL0SxMccYm3nC7Yi1j2qb An idiosyncratic YouTube Vlog framing reflections on the representation and production of subjectivity, digital shadows, memory, and media. A self-surveillance of daily activities and online presence will weave in edits from recent old media and animation informed by philosopher Gilles Deleuzes’ three levels of time: Read more…